$0 of $13.32 million raised



This crowdfunding campaign is supporting growing organic farms raising healthy crops and livestock while protecting the environment, stimulating local economies, and providing better health opportunities for consumers.
Organic farms abstain from using any hazardous pesticides or artificial growth hormones in their farming practice, and they grow vegetables, fruits and pasture-raised products safe for consumers.
We are what we eat and prevention is better than cure when we treat our wellbeing with healthy recipes.
Agriculture is not just a business, but a way of life. So, when you buy pasture-raised products, you are taking a step to maintain good health and supporting the farmers who dedicate their time to providing the best quality food from farm to table.
Many consumers are worried that the increased of certain diseases may have a link to adulterated foods we eat, most of which are grown with topsoil depletion and groundwater contamination.
We should support farmers going back to the basics to reconnect with traditional farming – to retrieve the strongest food remedies legendary to Methuselah that lived for 969 years.
When we support growing organic farms, crop rotation, conservation tillage, and pasture-based livestock, we are also protecting biodiversity as well as maintain healthy ecosystems.
So, we urge you to support traditional farms, the lands, the workers and the entire food production – grown, packaged, distributed locally to individuals, markets and restaurants with a flow of jobs running through the communities and beyond.

Supporting organic farms will significantly reduce poverty and the rise of incurable diseases across the globe.

Fortuna Brands can refer you to boot-camps in countries with organic farms for a retreat by appointment only. Please contact us describing your requirement details. Thank you.

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Donation Total: $1.00